
4 min readMar 12, 2024


Photo by Andhika Y. Wiguna on Unsplash

Rice is originated in Asia.

Scientific Name: Oryza sativa

Now let’s get into knowing something random important stuff more than basic about rice:

> The genus Oryza has 24 species.

>*Inflorescence of rice is known as Panicle.

But wait, what is inflorescence!? Well…. I know it’s basic but let’s us revise few basics on our way on knowing more about rice.

Inflorescence of Rice — Panicle

Okay.. to the point… So *Inflorescence is the reproductive structure of flowering plants where flowers are arranged on a stem. Now y do we need to know the structure of flowers arranged ? yes, cause it plays a crucial role in determining grain yield and helps us improve the yield and quality of the crop.

> The *Dehulled rice grain is also known as brown rice.

*Dehulled rice means the rice that has had its husk removed but still retains the bran layer and germ. Brown rice is less processed, more nutritious and has less shelf life because it has more oil inside and it usually takes longer to cook as well.

> Rice crop needs hot and humid climate.

> For ripening of rice temperature should be 20° — 25° C.

> *Photo periodically, Rice is a short-day type of plant.

* Photoperiodism, is the ability of plants and animals to measure environmental day length (photoperiod) by monitoring night length. This process plays a crucial role in various biological responses, such as flowering in plants, based on the duration of light exposure. Plants and animals exhibit different responses to varying photoperiods, leading to distinct physiological changes in accordance with the length of light and dark periods they experience.

So there are two types of plants like short day and long day plants. The flowers of Short day plants bloom when the day is shorter than the night and vice versa with the long day plants.( Ex: Hibiscus, Lettuce, Spinach, Radish, Potato, etc.)

> Aus, Aman, and Boro are different varieties of rice that are cultivated in regions like Assam, West Bengal, and Odisha. Each variety is associated with specific seasons and cultivation practices:

· Aus: This variety of rice is sown in summer (May-June) along with pre-monsoonal showers and harvested in autumn. It is known for its rough texture.

· Aman: Aman rice is sown during the rainy season, typically in July-August, and harvested in winter. It is one of the most produced varieties of rice in India.

· Boro: Boro rice is sown in winter and harvested in summer, also known as spring rice.

> Optimum pH of soil for rice cultivation is 4–6.

>The seed rate of rice cultivation for:

· Broadcasting Method: 100 Kg/Ha

· Drilling Method: 60Kg/Ha

>To Transplant 1 Ha area of rice 1000 m2 area is required for nursery raising.

> The Dapog method for rice nursery originated in the Philippines and has become fairly common in Southeast Asia. Germinating seeds on a flat surface, such as banana leaves or plastic film, without using soil. This method allows for early establishment of seedlings, as the roots and leaves sustain minimal damage during transplanting. This reduces the nursery period, shortens the time of recovery, simplifies transportation of seedlings, minimizes leaf damage, and eliminates the need for soil in the seedbed. This improves seedling establishment efficiency and overall crop productivity. Seedling would be ready to transplant in 11–14 Days.

>In wet bed method of Nursery raising of rice, seedling would be ready for transplanting at an age of 20–25 Days.

>Oryza Sativa is *Diploid species and have 24 Chromosomes.

*Diploid species have the presence of two complete sets of chromosomes.

>Gene responsible for dwarfing characters in rice is ‘Dee-gee-woo-gen’.

> Golden rice is a rich source of Vitamin A. The purpose of Golden Rice is to combat vitamin A deficiency (VAD) and improve human health.

> Test Weight of basmati rice is 21g.

> *Propanil Stampf 34 herbicides should be applied in rice after transplanting 6–8 DAT ( Days After Transplant).

*Propanil Stampf 34 is a post emergence herbicide used to kill the weeds that have already grown in the field.

>The *Kresek occurs in early stage of plant growth of rice in BLB (Bacterial Leaf Blight).

*Kresek refers to the wilting, yellowing, and blighting of the leaves in rice plants infected by the bacterium. It is considered the most serious form of the disease, which can cause significant damage to rice crops. The kresek phase is characterized by the rapid wilting and death of infected seedlings within two to three weeks of being infected. In adult plants, the disease may not be lethal, but it can still reduce rice yield and quality.

> Tungro virus of rice is transmitted by Green Leaf Hopper.

>Dead Heart and White head damage to rice is caused by Stem borer.

> Silvery shoot or onion leaf symptom of rice tillers is caused by Gall midege.

>Grassy stunt virus disease of rice is caused by Brown Plant Hopper.

> Gundhi Bug (Ear Head bug) attacks on rice during Milky stage.




Written by Navya

Trust the process and don’t get disappointed by the result, you shall cherish your success.

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