Pathogen: Bipolaris (Helminthosporium) maydis
Symptoms: Symptoms vary depending on which race is present :
- Lesions, when Race O is present, are tan in color with buff to brown borders.
- Lesions caused by Race T are tan with yellow-green or chlorotic halos.
- Lesions caused by Race C are necrotic.
•Conidiophores arise singly or in small groups.
- Conidia are usually curved with a bulged center and tapered ends. They are pale to golden brown in color and are 6–14 septate.
- It may produce perithecia with asci containing 6–15 septate, filamentous or long cylindrical, hyaline to pale olive green ascospore.
Disease cycle :
Management :
•Crop rotation
•Use of resistant varieties
•Monitor disease development, crop growth stage, and weather forecast
•Fungicide application of Propiconazole + Azoxystrobin (Quilt) or Propiconazole (Tilt) to reduce yield loss and improve harvest ability.